FLCCC Alliance


Real-Life Stories

This pandemic isn’t about data, molecules, mandates, or masks. It’s about people – like you – who feel the direct impact of COVID-19. Your stories are powerful. They change hearts and minds, and they can save lives. Watch others tell their stories below, then share yours by sending an email to [email protected]. Whether you’re a doctor or a nurse, a carpenter or a computer scientist, a Mom or a Grandpa… your story matters. You remind us the battle is worth fighting.

They Sent My Mom Home to Die, so We Decided to Try Ivermectin

May 1, 2024|

Rosemary’s mom, Judy, was diagnosed with renal cell in April, 2022. She had her right kidney removed in June. Immunotherapy and chemotherapy didn’t help, often with severe side effects. The doctors sent her home to die. Watch this lovely celebration after a year on ivermectin.

Pam is in this Fight to Practice Honest Medicine™

April 5, 2024|

Pam, a compounding/functional medicine pharmacist, herself and her colleague attended the FLCCC conference in Phoenix. It was their third conference and the first time they had brought their husbands along. As Pam says,”we decided to bring our husbands along so they could see for themselves why we have developed such a passion surrounding this tragedy that we are now dealing with daily."

Intermittent Fasting and Arrhythmia

March 22, 2024|

Frances was able to advise her son when he developed serious heart problems because she had been following the FLCCC and reading their protocols for a few years. It worked, and her son is back playing sports.

A Thank You Story from South Africa

March 9, 2024|

When COVID hit South Africa every authority was demanding the population get vaxxed. Being 63, and in the vulnerable category, he almost took the jab. But things weren't adding up. "With the help of your web pages, my wife and I eventually, after prayer, decided to not take the vax. Best decision ever!"

50 People in My Network in France Have Suffered

February 28, 2024|

Catherine has never known a time like this for unexpected deaths and onset of new illness. She tells a very sad story about what’s happened to her friends, relatives and acquaintances since they got injected.

Ivermectin Vs. Stage 4 Cancer

February 20, 2024|

Paul Mann had advanced cancer, which his oncologist said was terminal. He had over a dozen radiation treatments and six rounds of chemotherapy and was put in hospice care twice. Then he met Dr. Kathleen Ruddy. Watch his hopeful MyStory filmed at the FLCCC Conference in Phoenix.

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